Electrical Regulations
To respond with appropriate IP protection to installation requirements.
Hygienic Regulations
To allow for adequate hygienic conditions in the production activities.
Metric Regulations
To comply with the weighing regulations..
The institute of Corporate Responsibility is characterised by the voluntary adoption of responsible and ethically correct behaviour that goes beyond the regulatory requirements. ORIPAN is at your side in helping you to adopt virtuous behaviour in compliance with the current laws.
SafetyMix V20 ATEX
Manual weighing device with patented ingredient recognition system.
SafetyMix is the intelligent system for the manual dosing of powder ingredients able to prevent dosing errors by warning the operator of any anomalies such as the accidental exchange of ingredients or possible alterations of the raw material due to the change of the supply lot or product. Our experience in the bakery field has allowed us to create a product that is extremely simple to use but very technologically advanced to respond to the problem of human error, which is difficult to solve without the use of SafetyMix.

Patented recognition system of powder ingredients.
SafetyMix unloads the dosed ingredients directly into a system-recognized crate.
Integrated RFID reader for micro ingredient dosage preparation crate recognition for subsequent traceability in OFS.
The operator is guided through the weighing phases. The system checks the correct weight and verifies that the dosed ingredient is correct.
Understanding the potential of SafetyMix
The video shows in five steps how useful SafetyMix can be to avoid human errors when dosing micro-ingredients manually.
SafetyMix guides the operator through the correct sequence of ingredients, the correct amount to be dosed and the correct ingredient inserted.
All this thanks to our software and our patented powder ingredient recognition system.